Museum of National Taipei University of Education北師美術館,2021

SOAP is an online interactive project by artist Ting Tong Chang, aimed at exploring the possibility of using the internet as the main platform for exhibitions. SOAP reflects the situation during the pandemic in 2021, where many physical exhibitions were forced to cancel, and the internet became the only possible domain for exhibitions. Compared to traditional physical exhibitions, online exhibitions offer more innovation and possibilities, as they can break through the limitations of time and space, interact with audiences, and even mix with the real world.

SOAP takes the fake news event German Corpse Factory (Kadaververwertungsanstalt), which originated from the First World War, as its starting point. The German Corpse Factory was a false news that occurred during the First World War. In reality, Kadaververwertungsanstalt was an organization that actually existed in Germany, and its name translates to "animal carcass utilization facility." Its purpose was to process animal carcasses into various products, such as glue, fertilizer, and soap, as a means of disposing of animal remains. This organization played a key role in the German economy during both World War I and World War II, as it helped provide crucial resources needed for the wars. This method of utilizing animal carcasses was seen as an efficient and effective way of waste disposal and resource management.

Taking inspiration from this story, the artist team built a fictional factory within a real factory, and each scene in the video is a surreal combination of the actual factory and the artistic creation. It serves as both a soap production factory and an information production content farm.

The artist invited performers to play different roles in the production process, such as workers who mechanically inspect soap on the conveyor belt and long table, victims sinking in large mixing tanks, and indifferent managers. Both the factory and the performance refer to how information is mass-produced and consumed across different media and social platforms.

Unlike most online exhibitions that replicate real spaces through digital technology, the artist has created a fictional factory that only exists on the internet. Through video recordings of performances that take place on the site, and with the help of engineers, the artist has created a site-specific installation that exists in the virtual space.

Viewers of this work can wander around the virtual factory, following the drone's camera as it floats among industrial machinery. The viewing experience is reminiscent of video games. Viewers will notice many 3d soap symbols floating in the image. These are portals that lead to different storylines. By clicking on the soap symbols, viewers can explore different corners of the factory and observe various related events. Ultimately, they construct their own viewing path and explore the relationship between reality and virtuality.

project link: www.thesoapfactory.com.tw

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review ↓↓↓
Bucharest International Dance Film Festival









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評論 ↓↓↓
吃瓜看戲,製皂假消息?「肥皂—張碩尹計畫」以臺式賽博龐克場景 打造網路原生互動式網站
SOAP 以溶解人體的肥皂工廠,詮釋假新聞如何被冷血製造:「肥皂——張碩尹計畫」
【吹專訪】如何做一首藝術展裡的歌?陳嫺靜、Neil YEN、馮志銘談〈Soap〉

演員 Cast:陳武康 Chen Wu-kang、林家麒 Lin Chia-chi、姚吉慧 Yao Chi-hui、廖銘和 Dino 、陳靚 Chen Ching、陳嫺靜 Hsien-ching| 導演 Director:張碩尹 Chang Ting-tong、蔡弦剛 Tsai Hsuan-kang| 副導 Assistant Director:洪靖安 Hung Jing-an| 製片 Producer:林君翰 Lin Chun-han| 執行製片 Production Coordinator:洪靖安 Hung Jing-an| 製片助理 Production Assistant:李添進 Li Tien-chin、蔡欣甫 Tsai Hsin-fu、王妍文 Wang Yen-wen| 攝影指導 Director of Photography:陳冠宇 Chen Kuan-yu| 攝影大助 1st Assistant Camera:楊哲奇 Yang Che-chi| 攝影二助 2nd Assistant Camera:林依頻 Lin Yi-pin| 美術指導 Production Designer:張軼峰 Chang Yi-feng、廖音喬 Liao Yin-chiao| 美術執行 Assistant Art Director:劉邑琳 Liu Yi-ling| 美術助理 Prop Master: 劉柏言 Liou Bor-yan、張洳靜 Chang Ju-ching、蕭家棋 Hsiao Chia-chi、陳怡蓁 Chen Yi-zhen、謝家恩 Hsieh Chia-en| 燈光指導 Gaffer:游凱翔 Yu Kai-hsiang| 燈光大助 Best Boy:林建志 Lin Chien-chih| 燈光二助 Lighting Technician:羅煒 Lo Wei| 聲音設計 Sound Designer and Mixer:馮志銘 Feng Chih-Ming| 現場收音Sound Recordist:吳峟賢 Wu Yu-Hsien、戴向諶 Immanuel Dannenbring| 造型指導 Costume Designer:范玉霖 Fan Yu-lin| 造型助理 Assistant Costume :吳定盛 Wu Ting-sheng| 妝髮造型 Makeup Artist:洪丌涵 Edna Hung| 平面攝影 Still Photographer:劉哲均 Liu Che-chun| 工作側拍 Behind the scense:王思淳 Wang Szu-chun| 剪輯 Editor:蔡弦剛 Tsai Hsuan-kang| 調光 Colorist:詹謹嘉 Chan Chin-chia| 動畫 Animator:莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang|

視覺設計 Graphic Design:Shauba Chang、黃正亞 Huang Zheng-ya| 網站建置 Web Development:周嘉銘 Jonas Chou、蔡易洋 Taylor Tsai、周嘉隆 James Chou| 張碩尹工作室 TTC Studios:王芮瑀 Ray Wang|

國立臺北教育大學 北師美術館 MoNTUE, Museum of National Taipei University of Education| 總策劃 Producer:林曼麗 Lin Mun-Lee| 工作人員 Staff: 王若璇 Rocean Wang 、王欣翮 Elanor Hsinho Wang、王怡心 Wang Yi-hsin、徐珮琳 Hsu Pei-lin、陳俐臻 Chen Li-jen、劉聞宜 Liu Wen-yi |

指導單位 Supervisor:文化部 Ministry of Culture| 主辦單位 Organizer:國立臺北教育大學 北師美術館 MoNTUE, Museum of National Taipei University of Education 創作補助 Sponsor:國家藝術文化基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation 、台新銀行文化藝術基金會 Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture| 活動補助 Sponsor :台北市政府文化局 Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Goverment|

特別感謝 Special Thanks:賴俊良Lai Chun-liang、陳晞Chen Hsi、台灣糖業股份有限公司 虎尾糖廠Taiwan Sugar Corporation Huwei Sugar Factory